Commercial Real Estate and the Pandemic

Commercial Real Estate and the Pandemic

The onset of COVID-19 has left many businesses in the U.S. tallying up losses and wondering what a recovery may look like. Not only has the pandemic exacted a significant human toll, it has also indiscriminately wreaked economic damage upon...

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The Rise of Digital Money

The Rise of Digital Money

Digital currencies once mostly considered stored value in a distributed data base on the intranet may be posed to bust out with greater consumer and institutional acceptance. This is due in part to central banks now looking to create their...

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Hi and thanks for stopping by. I am an advocate for the banking industry that enjoys sharing my thoughts via blogs, articles, podcasts, and streaming video. My thoughts can be found on various social media channels and in publications such...

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Social Impact Investing — Pay it Forward

Social Impact Investing — Pay it Forward

Did you know that many investment funds now have a portion of their portfolio dedicated to social responsibility? As the world changes, so does the way we invest. Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is a continuously evolving model of incorporating sustainable...

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The Truth About Checkout Fees

The Truth About Checkout Fees

A checkout fee, also commonly known as a merchant surcharge, is the extra cost added by stores and merchants for credit card transactions. These fees are typically to cover the merchant’s own processing fees they’re charged for processing credit card...

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